This was a 2 day project
Day 1- We read the book The Pumpkin Circle (any pumpkin book will do). Next, each student received a 12 x 18" piece of yellow paper. We folded the paper in half hamburger style and opened our paper back up. On the left side of the paper, we drew a big fat C that touched the fold. We then drew a skinnier C that touched the fold as well as the ends of the first C, then we drew a skinnier C inside that, etc.
Students took orange paint and painted on the first C, folded the paper, and then rubbed. This made a print on the other half of the paper. Students repeated these steps for every C. At the end, if their paint lines didn't look dark enough, they were allowed to go over them with paint.
Day 2- We cut out our pumpkin and glues it to a 12 x 18" navy blue paper. Students then received a 18 x 3" piece of green paper to make the grass. They cut fringes in the green paper and glued it on. They also received a little piece of green paper for the stem. Next, Students received a 6 x 9" black paper for the face on the jack-o-lantern. They drew their face on the black paper, cut it out, and glued it on their pumpkin. Lastly, we put dots of glue in the sky and added glitter to create stars.