I love fibers and weaving and this year I tried weaving with Kindergarten. This was a little challenging so this project might work best for 1st grade in the future.
Day 1- Students picked the color of their fish body. We drew a circle/oval as large and possible and cut it out. We drew a "c" shape on one side and added the eye and mouth. Next, we drew 4 wavy lines coming from the face towards the back of the oval. We used construction paper crayons and put different lines/decorations in each section of the fish. Lastly, we folded our fish like a taco and cut 4 slices in it starting at the fold for us to weave paper in it next class.
Day 2- Students picked out pieces of pre-cut paper strips to weave in their fish. We talked about going over-under on the first strip and under-over on the second. I asked for students to try their best and once they decided they could do as much as possible, they went to the carpet. I then played this weaving movie. While students watched it, I went around and fix some of their projects. They then went back to their seats and glued under all the "flaps" in order to keep the wefts in place. We then trimmed down the wefts to be even with the fish body. Next, they picked out paper for the fins and tail. We cut a large triangle for the tail and an arch, which is then cut in half, for the top and bottom fin. We glued these on. Lastly, we decorated our fish more using scraps and construction paper crayons.
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