Wednesday, September 17, 2014

5th Grade One Point Perspective Names

5th grade is learning about one point perspective. We started this unit by drawing our names 3-D. Our next project will include one point perspective cityscapes. 

2nd Grade Landscapes

2nd grade create hot air ballon landscapes using forms. Can you spot the spheres, cubes, cylinders, and rectangular prisms in our art work?

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Kindergarten Mondrian

Kindergarten created Mondrian inspired artwork after learning about horizontal and vertical lines 

3rd Grade Warm and Cool Op Art

3rd graders created op-art while separating warm and cool colors. 

1st Grade- Mondrian Object

1st graders studied that sometimes artists borrow ideas from other artists. Students then created their own artwork that incorporates an object with Mondrian's style. 

4th Grade Zentangle Names

4th graders made name drawings decorated with Zentangles. When they did the Zentagle part they were only allowed to use permanent marker so they really had to be focused in order to not make a mistake. 

First Day Selfies

On the first day of school. I had all of my students Crete selfies for this big selfie bulletin board. I used a cell phone template for students to draw on.

First Grade- Mondrian Inspired Art

First graders reviewed primary colors and lines.  We did this by looking at artwork produced by Mondrian and then created our own spin off of his work. We included horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines and hen colored in the triangles with primary colors. 

Kindergarten -First Day

On the first day of kindergarten, I have students draw a self portrait, their favorite animal, a house, and as many shapes as they can think of. I keep these projects for the whole school year. We then do this same project the last day of art. I love how the kids can see how much they improved during their first year of school. I had to share these two examples because they are amazing! I really have so,e great artists in class.

3rd grade woven necklaces

Students are always excited about weaving. Check out these great woven necklaces that 3rd graders made.

Kindergarten-Summer Self Portaits

Kindergarteners made self portraits of them eating watermelon in the summer.

3rd Grade- Flip Flops

Students got to share their summer plans b creating a flip flop beach scene. 

4th grade dangle leg animals

These dangle leg animals started from a pinch pot. Student were allowed to create their own animals by doing additive sculpture.