Wednesday, September 4, 2013

3rd Grade- Op Art

For 3rd grade we did a recap lesson of many things we learned in 2nd grade including non-objective artwork and organic shapes. The students were introduced to warm and cool colors. They cut 6 little pieces of paper (yellow, red, orange, blue, purple, and green) into organic shapes. We then folded a 12 x 18 inch paper in half, opened it, and glued the warm colors on one side, cool colors on the other.

Then starting in the middle, we used a sharpie an made a line the page. We then made a line right next to it and repeated this. If a line was about to hit a shape, you had to draw around it. I stressed the idea to keep the lines equally spaced apart and to constantly trace to the side of the next line (do not let the lines touch). Here is a picture of one in process.

Here are student examples

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